Governor Gretchen Whitmer issued her first Stay Home, Stay Safe order on March 24th. Since that time, we have learned a lot about the COVID-19 virus, yet some small businesses still are not allowed to open.
With that knowledge, we now know how to take certain precautions in order to mitigate risk and reduce the chance of spreading COVID-19. We need to use what we have learned to develop a comprehensive plan to allow all small businesses a chance at success while keeping themselves and their employees safe. Take Action now and urge Governor Whitmer to provide safety guidelines for businesses that have had mandated closures so they can begin safely reopening.
While not every small business falls under current closure and capacity restrictions, we are all impacted. Some much more than others. Recent hospitality industry surveys show that 33% of restaurant owners do not expect to survive the next 6 months. A shocking 52% of hotel owners report being at risk of foreclosure. As dramatic as these statistics are, they are just the beginning.
As the Governor’s latest extension mandating business closures is about to expire, now is the time to reach out and have your voice heard before she decides on whether or not to extend it again.
Right now it is restaurants and bars, plus severe additional limitations on theaters and bowling centers. It could be any industry next time. No matter what industry you are in, please take action now and urge Governor Whitmer to provide safety guidelines for businesses that have had mandated closures so they can begin safely reopening.
Please use the module below to assist in contacting Governor Whitmer!